No need to purchase online from someone who never served customers personally.
We ran a successful electronics business for more than 40 years!
Why order from such an "old" fashioned company?
- we offer fast and direct support by email
- due to Paypal Express and Amazon Pay no registration necessary
- we are familiar with electronics and offer free support
- all enquries are answered during our office times (09.00am - 04.00pm) within an hour
Our company history is over 40 years old - pictures say more than words?!?
Here some of the milestones.
1973 Sotel (formaly known as "DSE Somorowsky") has been founded as a pure electronics distributor. The sale started in a converted apartment.
Initially only electronics components were traded. Resistors, capacitors, transistors, housings for DIY, electronics projects, cables etc
Soon there was a small production for electronic cubes, light organs and various other light effect devices.
All articles were already distributed via shipping. Orders by postcard or letter. Shipping as Post COD shipment. Call it oldschool but it worked.
Until the goods arrived it took 8-10 days or longer. Customers already existed at that time worldwide - ia. from Riyadh, Denmark and, at that time, Persia.
The first "catalog" was a Din A5 sheet and soon expanded to about 60 pages.
In 1977 we moved to the first shop (25m²) - inclusive a small expansion of our assortment to hi-fi systems and disco articles.
1980 move to a better location in Kitzingen.
The catalog has now become a small Din A5 folder for which "updates" are sent regularly as letter.
1990 So far penultimate move to a larger store (about 100m ²)
The shipping of components, etc. falled back a lot and is then completely stopped. So we had to focus our assortment more onto Car HiFi products and bulbs.
To this time we already started selling mobile phones from the beginning, which later proved to be a rescue, as the big DIY stores took over the market.
2004 After Heiko Somorowsky had joined the team we started the resumption of the shipping business. In the beginning only via ebay.
Since 2007 we created the establishment of the shipping branch in cramped conditions as an additional mainstay next to the shop.
2014 Relocation to the current location outside the city as we simply needed more space for the shipment of about 100,000 shipments / year. There was a radical assortment on telecommunications products in the store. At the same time, the product range online was increasingly extended to consumer electronics products.
2018 then final task of the store. We needed new office workers. In addition hardly any earning possibilities in the portable radio specialized trade.