RGBlink USB PTZ Camera 10x
1695.75 *
RGBlink VUE PTZ Camera 12x
3965.28 *
RGBlink VUE NDI PTZ Camera 12x
5685.69 *
RGBlink VUE NDI PTZ Camera 20x
5685.69 *
RGBlink PTZ VUE 20x & Switch Pro Bundle VUE 20x and Mini Pro
5490.63 *
RGBLink PTZ 10x & Stream Bundle USB PTZ and Tao 1Pro
4095.29 *
IPEVO VC-Z4K UHD 4K PTZ Video-Konferenzcamera white
5355.59 * 5571.59
IPEVO VC-Z4K UHD 4K PTZ Video-Konferenzcamera black
5340.60 * 5571.59
IPEVO VC-B4K UHD 4K PTZ Video-Konferenzcamera white
4790.47 * 4958.73
IPEVO VC-B4K UHD 4K PTZ Video-Konferenzcamera black
4775.43 * 4958.73
* incl. tax, plus shipping